

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas/sutras between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji (1884-1960). According to his research, mathematics is based on SUTRAS or word-formulae. These formulae describe the way the mind works naturally and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate solution.

Vedic Math is being used from so many years at entrance level after 12th class for cracking the competitive examinations, thus increasing aptitude in children. We showcased result in children from 6th class onwards towards improvement in Oral Maths, overall aptitude and logical ability by delivering Vedic maths education in kids.

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ABACUS is one of the best tool, that enhances the concentration level of children. It is one of the in-demand programs for schools as one the leading fun loving activity for children for fast calculations in maths. It undoubtedly increases the overall ability in child.

The advance study in China and Japan has proved it to be a Skill development tool. Under this study abacus was made a compulsory subject in the primary school curriculum in china and Japan. Now the analysis has proved that with the help of Abacus, the overall brain development occurs and hence build a more confident citizen with better concept clarity, thus have revolutionized the skill of entire country.

We at AVAS try to make Maths a loving subject for every child through abacus & vedic maths by prescriptive learning program. We EDUCATE | VALIDATE | EVALUATE

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Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots. Robotics is the industry related to the engineering, construction and operation of robots. a broad and diverse field related to many commercial industries and consumer uses. The field of robotics generally involves looking at how any physical constructed technology system can perform a task or play a role in any interface or new technology.

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Handwriting is a reflection of a personality. A good handwriting marks a beautiful impression on a reader. AVAS Handwriting Improvement Course helps a child develop legible and beautiful handwriting.

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Rubik cube is a form of plastic 3D combination puzzle in which you can twist and turn the multi layer in the form of 9 squares on each face.

It was invented by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Erno rubic hence named after him in 1974. The mixing of colour happens with the help of pivot mechanism internally.

It is also known by name that is Magic Cube puzzle cube or speed cube.

Hindi combination white colour is opposite to yellow, blue is opposite to Green , orange is opposite to red, in the form of bgro.

Like you comes in various dimension, number of sides and colours.

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